What is Niche Cleaning?
Biofouling is what we call the build-up of marine life on
the submerged parts of vessels. It can include Acorn Barnacles, Algae,
Tubeworm, Bryozone, Mussels and Oyster etc. Biofouling is not only found on the
flat hull surface, but it can also be found in niche areas such as the
Propeller, Rudder, Sea Chests and Anchor Wells to name a few. It is crucial for
Niche Areas to be maintained.
Who Insists on Niche Cleaning?
The countries that require niche areas to be maintained are mainly
Australia, New Zealand, and United States of America. IMO Guidelines on
biofouling management are under revision with reference to niche cleaning. The
emphasis on the importance of niche cleaning is growing and becoming more
prominent in different countries.
What Technology is used?
Currently, the technology used to remove Biofouling on
vessels have been mechanical machines using brushes that are in contact with
the hull surface and/or fouling layer to remove the biofouling. The material of
the brush varies as it is dependent on the type of fouling to be removed.
How can Schomberg assist in Niche Cleaning?
The Schomberg proprietary hot water generator control
technology with pressurised combustion chambers is designed to fill and
circulate the Sea Chests and Thruster Cavity with hot water, maintaining the
inner temperature at 70 degree Celsius for 60 minutes. This methodology kills
the Alien Invasive Species and Biofouling. The circulated return hot water is
pumped through a series of filtration systems to remove any impurities prior to
being reheated and circulated.
When is it time to take Niche Cleaning seriously?
Conclusively, Niche Cleaning is becoming imperative as many
countries are introducing unilateral requirements. Regulations are constantly
changing, but Niche Cleaning is becoming more of a necessity.